ή εγγραφείτε για να δείτε τιμές και να κάνετε παραγγελία

Μόνο για επαγγελματίες - Εγγραφή με Α.Φ.Μ.

Complete treatment for petrol systems, of any type, carburettors and injection systems, for cleaning the whole system from the tank to the combustion chamber, lubricating all of moving parts, and preserving performance and reliability of vehicles over time.
It prevents and eliminates the condensation, dissolves impurities, rust, paraffin alcohol deposits, lacquers and sludge. It keeps clean and lubricates the carburettor pumps, the injector nozzles and all inner parts of carburettors. It avoids fuel ageing during long periods of storage.
The dual function of cleaner and lubricant acts up to the inside of the combustion chamber by keeping the valves clean, removing the deposits that have been forming over time, frees the piston rings, restores functioning of the supply systems and the compression resistance.
It does not damage seals, pipes, moving parts, catalytic converters, oxygen sensors, any electronic sensors in any way. It contains no kerosene and is compliant with standards UNI EN 228.
It is used by mixing 300 ml of product with minimum 15 litres of fuel up to max. 60 litres. It restores, during operation, the engine power, reduces consumption and noxious emissions, makes ignition easier, eliminates irregular idle speed, engine knocking, malfunctioning, serrations. It makes driving more enjoyable and brilliant.
The use is advisable when servicing the car or when necessary owing to malfunctioning.